Solar Large Scale Utility - Site Criteria

Acres Needed

*Minimum 400 acres of unencumbered land

*Maximum of 10,000 acres of unencumbered land

*Need to be within 3 miles radius of an existing substation

*Need to be within a mile of an existing transmission line

*The landowner is prepared to sign a minimum 30-year lease to a 35-year lease. As a qualified landowner, you will receive annual income for land that is currently non-productive. After the 30 to 35-year lease period has expired, the project can easily be removed, allowing the land to be preserved for future or resale.

Ideal for landowners who:

*Rent or lease their property but would like solar

*Have 500 plus acres on disturbed land

*Land free of trees, buildings, or other tall objects that may cast a shadow

*Close proximity to three-phase power: High voltage transmission lines must be close to your land

*Three (3) miles radius from an existing substation

*Quality of terrain

*Conservation and Environmental Impact Issues

*Local Regulations and Ownership

*Flood Risk Assessment

How Does it Work?

1.-Initial Review from the Solar Company: They will determine if your land is suitable to host a solar facility.

2.-Development-Once there is an agreement signed between the solar company and the landowner, a development term will be entered, which can last from 18 months up to four (4) years. During this time, they will conduct environmental, archaeological, geotechnical, electric grid interconnection, and other project-related studies. They only require minimal use of your land, and you can continue to use your land as you normally would.

3.-Construction: At the conclusion of the development term, the project will enter into the construction phase. At this point, the Solar Company requires full use of the land and begins the construction of the solar facility.

4.-Operations: Upon completion of construction, the solar facility will be brought online and will produce clean, renewable energy for the next 30 to 35 years.

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