At DFREL, we are passionate about creating innovative solutions to global challenges. Our mission to Agrivoltaics is no different. We are devoted to developing a sustainable, efficient, and affordable energy system that will allow farmers to generate electricity while also using the land to grow crops.

Our Goal 

To provide an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional energy sources while helping farmers increase their yields and generate additional income.  We believe that Agrivoltaics has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce, store, and use energy, and we are committed to doing our part to make this a reality. 

In the last eight years, agrivoltaic farms have grown in size from 5MW to 2.9GW, and research from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that if just 1 million acres of farmland were covered in solar panels, the nation would meet its renewable energy goals. 


How does Agrivoltaic Works? 

Planting crops under the solar panel arrays, the plant grow better and need less watering, while the panels produce more electricity.   Depending on the size of the Agrivoltaic Solar Farm, it could be enough to power 300+ private homes.  Underneath the Solar Panels, you can grow tomatoes, turnips, carrots, squash, beets, lettuce, kale, chard, pepper, and others.  Depending on the species, you could see 100% to 300% more production, and the shade provided by the solar panels reduces the irrigation of water use.  The crops are also protected from intense rain or hail from the overhead panels. 

Can you still farm under the Panels? 

Yes! Agrivoltaics is a type of dual-use technology that combines solar energy with agriculture to create renewable energy food production. This technology can be used to increase the efficiency of land use and benefit both farmers and the environment. 

What is the Landowner's Solution?

Help reduce energy costs, increase crop yields, and reduce the carbon footprint of farming operations. 

What is the company's Solution? 

Can explore ways to use this technology to generate additional revenue by selling excess solar energy to the grid or using it to power other operations. 

What is the Business Solutions? 

Can develop ways to leverage their existing infrastructure to maximize the efficiency of their solar energy production. 

How will it benefit the Environment? 

By reducing water usage, decreasing carbon dioxide emissions, and minimizing potential land degradation.  Aggrivoltaic solar farms provide additional benefits such as biodiversity and improved soil health. 

How will it benefit the Community? 

Agrivoltaic Solar Farms, creates local jobs, stimulate the local economy, and provide a steady source of income for the farmers who operate them.  The County could potentially receive taxes from the sale of the electricity generated by the solar farm, and property taxes from the land on which the solar farm is located.